In writing my last post, I mentioned quite a gutsy claim related to my top 10 bands. So then I thought, "Hey! I'm an opinionated person! Let's see what I'm really made of!"
So it's time to let the Polar Fluff shine.
Now, a lot of people have different opinions as to what constitutes a top 10 list. Do you stick with your "image," or rather, what you think you should like in order to impress others (c'mon, you know someone like that!); do you play the "if-I'm-trapped-on-a-desert-island-with-no-hope" game; do you stick to loyalty, the small few familiars in your culture sphere? Or ... do you go for various items that changed your life and/or your taste in some way? I say, "Potpourri for $1,000, Alex." In other words, it's all arbitrary. Love it because you love it. The end. No apologies, no explanations.
Top 10 favorite bands or singers:
10. Tori Amos
9. Arcade Fire
8. The Ramones
7. Sarah Harmer
6. Modest Mouse
5. Lucinda Williams
4. The Weakerthans
3. Neko Case
2. Mary Chapin Carpenter
1. Bruce Springsteen
Top 10 favorite films:
10. Orlando
9. Elizabeth
8. Away We Go (I'm not lying, it's moving it's way up...)
7. Indiana Jones trilogy (cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater)
6. How the West Was Won
5. Kingdom of Heaven
4. LOTR trilogy (yes, I'm a cheater)
3. The Royal Tenenbaums
2. Little Miss Sunshine
1. Sense & Sensibility
Top 10 favorite books:
10. Sense & Sensibility, Jane the Austen
9. Wicked, Gregory Maguire
8. Tess of the D'Urbervilles, Thomas Hardy
7. To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee
6. The Hotel New Hampshire, John Irving
5. Written on the Body, Jeanette Winterson
4. The Harry Potter Series, J.K. Rowling
3. Girl Meets Boy, Ali Smith
2. The Mists of Avalon, Marion Zimmer Bradley
1. Reservation Blues, Sherman Alexie
Top 10 current favorites:
10. Farmville on facebook
9. Jane Lynch
8. my new pumice stone
7. Sleep
6. Away We Go Soundtrack
5. writing poetry
4. Vitamin Water
3. Nectarines
2. Blogging
1. Iced Tea I'm running out of steam, and two blogs in one day is intense. So I'll quit while I'm behind. Especially because as I look back on these lists, I think, "God, I'm white."
This blog was brought to you by:
School of Rock
Rocky Road ice cream
Honoring President Carter
1 month ago
oooh, Rocky road.... and I'm almost completely with you on the bands top ten list. The books and movies...well, it looks like I have a lot of catching up to do. and that I don't read or watch as many quality movies as you do. Alas...
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